Our Mission
Our mission is to provide relief to our brothers and sisters who are in critical need of food, clothing, and shelter. We serve the working poor and homeless in our community as well as the poorest of the poor in Tijuana. We maintain a community food pantry and clothes closet, support the San Diego Interfaith Shelter Network, coordinate the collection of basic commodities for distribution in Tijuana, and serve as a referral resource for other federal, state, and local social service agencies.
The Sister Dolores Social Outreach Program is supported primarily by our parish volunteers who give so generously of their time and treasure and by the Emergency Food and Shelter program sponsored by the San Diego Food Bank.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
9am - 11am
Homeless Lunch sack distribution
Wednesday: 10am - 11am
Feeding San Diego Produce Distribution
Wednesday: 2pm - 3pm
Food Commodities for registered Chula Vista residents
For further information call:
Josephine Advento : (619) 427-7637 e-mail: jos@strosecv.com